17 Mar Concoction of (dis)Positions
DRAWINGS Interactions, delimitations, agglutinations...
DRAWINGS Interactions, delimitations, agglutinations...
DRAWINGS Ruptured archipelagos of compelled alienated wandering. Year: 2022Medium: DigitalDimensions: --Fractured consciousness discarded mimesis… estranged fields. The decolonised mental construct allowing no return. Belonging no-where. Jagged dislocation… trailing, lingering against tectonic counterfeiting. Ahead, discontinuities, ruptures, millefeuilles. Connecting, converging, vanishing… unhurriedly Becoming Other. ©2025 SPECULATIVE ASSEMBLIES ...
DRAWINGS Assembled movements and the unruliness of being Year: 2022Medium: DigitalDimensions: --Dance, machines, tempo complete multiplicity, not definable by the sum of their parts, moving parts, bits not created no rigid inflexible purpose not beholden, not fixed or anchored, a movement, an entity that seeks connections… producing...
DRAWINGS How Many Masks Wear We? A collage of fragmented labours. Year: 2022Medium: DigitalDimensions: --Aesthetics of Indifference interrogates the multiplicity of roles, identities, and performances embedded in architectural labour through a collage of fragmented acts. Inspired by the question “How Many Masks Wear We?”, the drawing explores...
PROJECTS Iowa, USA Year: 2021Medium: DigitalDimensions: --Perhaps...